INSEAD Angel Club Southeast Asia

Home for entrepreneurs & angels

Are you …

An Investor

Are you an INSEAD alumnus and are interested to invest in, advise, or mentor early-stage ventures?

Get as hands-on or hands-off as you wish on exciting enterprise investment / mentorship opportunities.

Get involved in many social and networking events. We want this to be fun too.

An Entrepreneur

Are you an entrepreneur wanting to leverage our INSEAD network?

Grow with us in building the next blue ocean venture​. Broadcast your breakthrough idea / venture at our events.

As an INSEAD club, have at least one INSEAD founder, C-level member, investor, or advisor in your team.

Past Events

Structuring Angel Investments

Mar 6th, 2023: Inauguration

Founders & Committee

Andy Santoso, MSc, MBA
President of INSEAD SEA Angel Club,
INSEAD Indonesia Alumni Executive Committee
Founded a few start-ups in Indonesia & fundraised millions of dollars from international investors. Now founded & running a boutique investment bank.
Matthieu Chauveau, MBA
President of INSEAD Indonesia Alumni Association,
INSEAD SEA Angel Club Executive Committee
8+ years in the hospitality industry in finance & operations. Created several companies in consulting, real estate, and hospitality.
Chris Leung, CFA, MBA
INSEAD SEA Angel Club Executive Committee,
INSEAD Indonesia Executive Committee
Passionate about developing ideas & people and deep-dived into various Indonesian start-ups doing operations and finance.
Brata Yudha, MBA
INSEAD SEA Angel Club Executive Committee
Entrepreneurial, collaborative & tech-savvy in creating business results across multiple product lines with many business functions to launch digital solutions.
Mirtha Sukanto, MBA
INSEAD SEA Angel Club Executive Committee
18+ years in FMCG/Food retail & automotive, managing the P&L of multinationals & turning around businesses.

The Angel Club for the World for the alumni of the Business School for the World.

The INSEAD Angel Club Southeast Asia is an organization for the alumni of the Business School for the World. Our goal is to bring together early-stage capital and high-caliber INSEAD entrepreneurs and utilize our INSEAD alumni network to support passionate founders.

As members of the club, angels will have the opportunity to work closely with emerging entrepreneurs and gain experience in angel investing. On the other hand, entrepreneurs will receive valuable feedback and a funding possibility for their ventures from the angels.

We welcome all types of entrepreneurs and investors to our social and networking events, as long as they are related to the INSEAD community.

Our investment club is based in Jakarta, Indonesia, and is run by alumni. We also connect to other investment clubs around the world and organize events with them.

So, join us in our journey to foster entrepreneurship and angel investing in Southeast Asia.